Soha certificate in nursing care and management

Course Fees


Reg. Amt: 100.00

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Soha certificate in nursing care and management

Course Overview

At the end of this course, learners will bee able to

1. Understand the changes in older adults and the degenerative changes in ageing.
2. Provide support in activities of daily living for the elderly - changes in older adults -fall prevention -infection prevention -recording vital signs -nutrition in the elderly -hygiene and grooming -waste management -movement and transfer -medication management.

What You Will Learn?

Upon completion of this module, learners will be able to provide comprehensive nursing care and management for the elderly. The key topics covered are:

1. Introduction to healthcare sector – acute care, intermediate and long term care, day care and home care (theory)

2. Admission and orientation to nursing home – data collection and reporting (theory)

3. Infection control – covering standard precautions, sepsis, handling blood and body fluids, contact precaution, isolation precaution, airborne and droplet infection, containment of infectious diseases such as chicken pox, shingles, scabies , conjunctivitis , MRSA,

4. Understand risk factors, signs & symptoms, nursing care and management of chronic diseases in elderly covering pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic obstruction pulmonary disease ( COPD ), asthma, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, congestive heart failure, cerebral-vascular accident (CVA), dementia – abbreviated mental test (amt), osteoporosis, arthritis , urinary tract infection, upper respiratory infection – throat infections and flu, dysphagia—process of swallowing, aspiration pneumonia

5. Falls in the elderly, risk assessment and prevention measures

6. Pressure ulcers in bedbound elderly – risk assessment using braden scale and prevention (theory and practical)

7. Elder abuse (theory)

8. Communication - components of effective communication; effective interpersonal communication; communicating with elderly persons and stroke patients (theory and practical)

9. Death and dying covering advance care planning (acp), the dying person, comfort care, confirming death and death certification, after death procedures (theory and role play)

10. Disinfection and sterilization

11. Waste management – general waste, biohazard waste

Admission Requirements

N/O Level Or Its Equivalent


Certificate in Nursing Care and Management

Progress Pathway

Diploma For Eldercare